HERCO in DRI plants
• SGRD (Seal Gas Refrigerant Dryer)
A mechanical cooling system to dry seal gas comprised of mostly N2 and CO2 from 5-7 H2O volume % to approximately 0.35 H2O volume % to be distributed in the dry seal gas network of the plant to be consumed in PDC (Product Discharge Chamber), product bins or wherever the customer needs inertization. At the time being, more than 30 units are already under operation or under construction for DRI projects with capacities between 2000 to 9500 Nm3/hr.
• PGD (Purge Gas Dryer)
Adsorption dryers with molecular sieve beds to dry purge gas of the plant mostly comprised of N2 and CO2 from 0.35% H2O volume % to very trace H2O content up to -40˚C dew point. At present more than six units are under operation or under construction for DRI projects with capacities between 520 to 800 Nm3/hr.
• IAD ( Instrument Air Dryer)
A hybrid dryer comprised of a mechanical cooling system plus an adsorption system equipped with molecular sieve beds to dry instrument air of the plant up to -40˚C dew point. At present two units are under operation in DRI plants with capacity of 500 Nm3/hr.
• SGAC (Seal Gas After Cooler)
It’s a heat exchanger to cool down seal gas with direct or indirect water-gas contact via a shell and tube heat exchanger. At present four units are under operation in DRI plants with up to capacity of 12000 Nm3/hr.