Company Profile
Shinko Metal Products Company Established in 1917 in Moji-Ku (Japan) as KOBE Steel Moji plant, for producing copper alloy tube. They’ve started producing Copper Mold Tubes mass production in 1988.
Copper mold tubes are most critical components in continuous casting plants. In addition to conventional requirement for thermal conductivity, strength, heat resistance, there is raising need for molds suited to special requirements of special section shape, special tapers,special plating and so on.
Material Type:
1- DHP: Normal deoxidized copper
2- Silver Bearing : AgCu alloy
3- KM-2: Cr and Zr precipitation
4- KLF 116: Ni25i precipitation and Zn addition
Type of Plating:
1- regular Cr-Plating
2- X-Coating
3- Multi Layer Coat
Original Taper design (eTaper):
Create rigid shell through uniform cooling by minimizing air gap. This taper greatly improve cooling effect, casting speed and is also effective to alleviate rhomboidity, sticking troubles, corner cracks .
Type of Molds:
1-FIN Tube: Developed for preventing heat transfer decreasing by scale adhesion.
2-Dimple Type : New technology developed for reducing rhomboidity