Rath in Tile & Porceline

• Chamber furnace up to 1750 °C

Chamber  furnaces  are  used  to sinter  ceramic parts at temperatures up to 1750 °C.

This type of furnace is lined with lightweight refractory bricks.

• Bogie hearth furnace 1400 °C – 1600 °C

Products such as filters are fired in the bogie hearth furnace. The usual firing temperatures are between 1400 °C and 1600 °C.

This furnace type is generally lined with fiber modules.

• Push plate furnace up to 1750 °C

The push plate furnace is used to sinter ceramic parts at temperatures up to 1750 °C.

This  type  of  furnace  is  lined  with  dense  bricks  or  lightweight  refractory bricks. There  are  also  designs  with  fiber  ceilings, but  these are  limited to applications with a maximum temperature of 1500 °C.

• Roller kiln

The roller  furnace  is used, among other things, for firing tableware, but also technical ceramics.

This type of furnace is  usually lined  with lightweight  refractory bricks in the walls and floor and has a fiber ceiling.

• Tunnel kiln up to 1750 °C

In the tunnel kiln, the products are fired at temperatures up to 1750°C.

This  kiln  type  is  lined  with  dense   bricks   in   the   front   layer   and   with lightweight refractory bricks  and  insulating  panels  in  the  back  insulation. Tunnel kilns can be designed with suspended covers or with vaults.

•Bell furnace up to 1750 °C

In the bell furnace, the products are fired at temperatures up to 1750 °C.

This type  of  furnace  is  usually  lined with lightweight refractory bricks and, if the  maximum  temperature  does  not  exceed 1620°C, with  fiber modules as well.